About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Huntingburg Housing Authority (HHA) is to provide adequate & affordable housing, economic
opportunity, and a suitable living environment without discrimination to the citizens of this area.
We will provide and maintain a decent, safe and sanitary living environment. It is the intent of this agency to be considered a valued part of the local community

Our History
This low-income housing agency was first established in 1964 with occupancy of units beginning in 1967. HHA is very proud of our long service to individuals in need of affordable living accommodations.
HHA is overseen by a board of commissioners that are appointed by the Mayor of Huntingburg.
Public meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 3PM in the community room at 1102 Friendship Village.
Meetings that fall on a holiday are held the third Wednesday of the month at the same time mentioned above.